MON-FRI10AM -7PM. SAT 10AM-3PMCALL US905-277-5454




Below are resources you can use from the Mavis Medix team

The following information will help you with the referral process for your patients.

Use these PDFs for Weight and Pain Management referrals. Please attach relevant medical information including Medications List, recent Blood Work, and recent Imaging (X-ray, MRI, CT for Pain patients).


Practice Announcement

to MD-Led Weight Management Program (self or family doctor referred)

Referral to Chronic Pain Consultation (must have a family doctor, must be referred – no walk-ins)

Fax the referral with the following information: patient’s email, phone number, DOB, and medical records, including bloodwork and imaging.

Below are resources you can use from the Mavis Medix team

Mavis Medix Program Cost for OHIP Patients, and Non-OHIP Private Patients (Subject to change without prior notice)

Mavis Medix


Dr Macklin's Video

Obesity Stigma

Walk-in Clinic. No referral required. Call now.
Open on all statutory holidays, except Christmas.





Below are resources you can use from the Mavis Medix team

The following information will help you with the referral process for your patients.

Use these PDFs for Weight and Pain Management referrals. Please attach relevant medical information including Medications List, recent Blood Work, and recent Imaging (X-ray, MRI, CT for Pain patients).


Practice Announcement

to MD-Led Weight Management Program (self or family doctor referred)

Referral to Chronic Pain Consultation (must have a family doctor, must be referred – no walk-ins)

Fax the referral with the following information: patient’s email, phone number, DOB, and medical records, including bloodwork and imaging.

Below are resources you can use from the Mavis Medix team

Mavis Medix Program Cost for OHIP Patients, and Non-OHIP Private Patients (Subject to change without prior notice)

Mavis Medix


Dr Macklin's Video

Obesity Stigma

Walk-in Clinic. No referral required. Call now.
Open on all statutory holidays, except Christmas.


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